SEVIRI downloads

Download SEVIRI color composite image

First, you have completed the form and you have received an email containing an access code.

There are two ways to download SEVIRI composite images

  • with a command line to transfer data from the server.
    The user will use standard commands (wget or curl) to directly query the image server.
    • curl with the option "-o my_file" writes in the output file named my_file
    • wget with the option "-O my_file" writes in the output file named my_file
    followed by the "access line":
    curl -o image.jpg "********
  • In interactive mode using a iweb browser
    In the location bar, type the line:

Essential parameters

You must complete at least three parameters: date, time and access code;
  • date: year month day as YYYYMMDD: 20130723
  • hour: hour minute as HHhMM: 12h30
  • accesscode: you received by email after filling the form on the main page of NASCUBE
  • storm: 1 download the sand storm retrieval
Type the following URL in the address field of your browser:  
You obtain a simple jpeg image like this:

Adding size and drawings

  • width in pixels: 700 (if you enter 0, the width will be computed)
  • coasts: 1
  • boundaries: 1
  • height (optional)
Type the following URL in the address field of your browser:  
You obtain a jpeg image like this:

Near pixel (default) or Mean value

  • mean: 1
Type the following URL in the address field of your browser:
You obtain a jpeg image like this:

Image brightness

  • Bright: [-]10 (% of luminosity less or more)
Type the following URL in the address field of your browser:
You obtain a jpeg image like this:

Components Analyze (Clouds, Glitter)

  • addings: 1 if you want to see clouds and glitter components
Type the following URL in the address field of your browser:
You obtain a jpeg image like this:

subset image

If you want a small portion of the image, you can choose one of these methods
  • by latitude and longitude coordinates (latmin latmax lonmin lonmax)
  • by line and column coordinates (linmin linmax colmin colmax)
Type the following URL in the address field of your browser:
You obtain a jpeg image like this:

Type the following URL in the address field of your browser:
You obtain a jpeg image like this: